Tuesday 9 January 2018

How to find Advance Guest Post Search Queries

How to find Advance Guest Post Search Queries 

Hi, Friends today I am going to explain about guest blogging. The first thing you need to know is guest blogging is better for B2B than it is for B2C. If you are in a B2C niche, you probably should not waste your time with guest blogging. For B2B, it’s amazing, it’s great, it works extremely well. Here’s the next thing you need to consider. If you can blog at least two to three times a week, you should ideally do that on your own blog, because you can grow your traffic base. After a year, it will continually grow and grow. What will happen is, you control that audience. It’s much easier to convert them into a customer when it’s on your own blog versus someone else’s blog. But if you don’t have the time to blog two to three times a week, then you should consider guest blogging. Reason being is it’s hard to build up a really large audience unless you are consistently blogging two to three times a week. If you only have time to do one post a week you should not do it on your own blog. Heck, you should not even create a blog. You should put your content on someone else’s blog. Hence, guest posting. Now that you know if you want to guest post or not, here’s how you get featured on the entrepreneur, Inc. Huffington post and sites like that. If you are going to email the editor, you are not going to get a response. They won’t care. Why? Everyone emails them up. On a daily basis they are probably getting dozens and dozens of requests of people saying, can I contribute to Huffington Post? What do they naturally do? They are going to say no, or they are going to ignore it. But on the flip side, if you network with other guest contributors, such as me, I already blog on all these sites, you go find my article, you read them, you can go find my email address all over the web and you can for most of these contributors, and you start emailing feedback. Like, 

 Hey, Example, 

I noticed you wrote this article in Entrepreneur Magazine. Have you thought about covering A, B, and C that you didn’t cover in your article? 

The chances are I am going to respond to that email and be like, thank you for the feedback, that is a good point. 

If you put thought into it and you are not just writing garbage to these guest contributors, they usually will respond. You can typically message them through that website. For example on Forbes, you can contact the author through Forbes’ own internal messaging system it is really simple. As you build a connection and you continually help that author out, eventually, you can say. 

Hey Example, 

I love what you are doing on Forbes and I want to be like you one of these days. Would you mind if you can do an introduction to an editor? If not, no worries. 


Your number one fan, Sam. 

By sending out an email like that, you are going to start getting introduced to an editor. When an editor gets introduced to you by another writer, they are much more likely to respond and allow you to post on that website, and that’s how you get guest contribute our accounts. 
How to get high quality and good links, help returns exceptional value from those guest posts, and make sure that when you are contributing content you are not losing all of the value that you might get from putting it on your own site, or at least you are gaining enough in return to make that transaction worthwhile. So let’s discuss at some of these. I want to walk through a step by step format here. The first step, of course, in any sort of guest authority, guest posting situation is trying to find good targets. A few tools that I do recommend, obviously, there are some things you can do around Google Searches, searching for blogs in your niche. You probably already know of some. But you can also use some more advanced searches. I like using things like 
Keyword “Guest author in URL blog” 

Keyword “Guest post” 

Keyword “Guest Contributor” 

Keyword “Guest posting guidelines” 

Keyword “Guest authoring guidelines” 

Keyword “Guest blog guidelines” 
Use These type of queries inside of Google, inside of Bing can reveal a lot of different things. You probably want to add something about your topic, some keyword that is related to you, something broad. So if you are, for example, in the world of, I don’t know, contact lenses and eyeglasses, you might write about something like glasses or eyewear or ocular health or any of those types of things to try and find people in that world. I also highly recommend using a metric that’s unique from the metrics that we typically talk about here at Moz. 
So certainly things like Domain Authority from open site explorer and page authority, MozRank, those are all very good, very helpful. But you can go to google.com/reader and use their search function to actually search for blogs by name or by topic area, and you will find blogs with their subscriber count, the number of people who subscribe to them in Google reader. What this number tells you is sort of how well read and how distributed is that blog. If you see something with maybe a dozen, a couple dozen readers, I’d be a little wary. I don’t know how big or valuable that blog audience is going to be and remember it is a lot of time if you are writing a high-quality article, versus something that has hundreds or thousands, hopefully, thousands, of subscribers. That has tremendous, tremendous value. This is also a good research tool in general. Then I also like using some of the blog directories if you are struggling to find topic areas, you are just not finding them using your keywords.


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